Register New Account Log in to renew or change an existing membership. Username Email First Name Last Name Password Password Again Choose your membership level Monthly Membership - $139.00 - 1 Month Monthly recurring subscription. UNLIMITED (all-inclusive) access to all past (& future) recorded workshops; COMPLIMENTARY access to monthly 1.30-hour live online systemic workshop (every month); different systemic exercises and inner guided meditations; Wall of Community Conversations - members & I all interact with one another. Cancel anytime via 'Personal Dashboard' - you will be automatically charged every month by continuing your subscription. A decent Internet connection is required, all 'membership content' is accessible only with a current valid membership. Yearly Membership - $1,368.00 - 1 Year Yearly recurring subscription. Same as monthly membership except you SAVE $300 per year. UNLIMITED access to all past (& future) recorded workshops; COMPLIMENTARY access to monthly 1.30-hour live online systemic workshop (every month); different systemic exercises and inner guided meditations; Wall of Community Conversations - members & I all interact with one another. Cancel anytime via 'Personal Dashboard' - you will be automatically charged every Year by continuing your subscription. A decent Internet connection is required, all 'membership content' is accessible only with a current valid membership. OPEN REQUEST! - $159.00 - unlimited Access to "OPEN REQUEST!" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Entanglements - The hidden mysteries beyond a love that couldn't make it! - $159.00 - unlimited Access to "Entanglements - The hidden mysteries beyond a love that couldn't make it!" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. What is dying within makes space for the new; rebirthing! - $159.00 - unlimited Access to "What is dying within makes space for the new; rebirthing!" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Embracing Change in Life with Courage - $159.00 - unlimited Access to "Embracing Change in Life with Courage" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Towards your purpose - $159.00 - unlimited Access to "Towards your purpose" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Honouring Belonging - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "Honouring Belonging" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. The Orders Of Success - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "The Orders Of Success" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Sexuality From a Systemic Lens - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "Sexuality From a Systemic Lens" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Exploring the Plight of the Golden Child - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "Exploring the Plight of the Golden Child" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Parenthood In Harmony & Divorce Dynamics - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "Parenthood In Harmony & Divorce Dynamics" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. The Father Wound Course - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "The Father Wound" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. The Importance of Motherhood - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "The Importance of Motherhood" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. The Father Wound 2 - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "The Father Wound" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. The Mother Wound - Rebirth - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "The Mother Wound - Rebirth" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. The Orders Of Success 2 - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "The Orders Of Success 2" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. How To Deal With Depression & Anxiety - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "How To Deal With Depression & Anxiety" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. What Makes Love Work in Relationships - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "What Makes Love Work in Relationships" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. Symptoms And The So Called Illnesses - $139.00 - unlimited Access to "Symptoms And The So Called Illnesses" recorded workshop ONLY. Lifetime access to this ONE recorded workshop only (with a working internet connection to stream video). One-time payment. test membership - $1.00 - 1 Month Discount Code - Valid - Invalid Apply Please review & accept the terms of membership * You can cancel anytime. Add Your Heading Text Here