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Stories of Healing
and Transformation

Written Testimonials

My sessions with Tizi have been really transformative for me. The way he was able to tune into my issues was accurate & incredible. I felt really safe being in his space and I deeply appreciate his sensitivity and at the same time the directness and sharpness he brings into his sessions.

The sessions offered me a lot of emotional release, clarity, insights & inner-freedom around hidden family dynamics that were keeping me stuck in my life. I can definitely recommend working with Tizi! 

Solange B.

Tizi leads extraordinary, soul shifting sessions. It’s hard to put into words but he has helped me transition through some of life’s biggest challenges such as death of a parent and separation with a sense of ease and knowing. Highly recommend anyone joins Tizi, you will be forever grateful for his wisdom.

Bec W.

I met Tizzi mid April at a family constellation event in Perth. Before the event I had had one 1:1 session with my coach who is one of Tizzi’s students, and had thought it was amazing! The two day in person event was epic. There are no words to convey the shifts and changes I felt during and after the two days.

I have since done another 1:1 with my coach as well as a 1:1 with Tizzi. The stuff that comes up, the movement I feel inside of me and the space it has created for shits in all aspects of my life is indescribable. I am so thankful and can’t wait to see what shifts and expands next.

Jaz S.

The first thing I noticed when I met Tizi is how warm he is. He has a sense of confidence, a deep knowing. Tizi has a way of guiding you & showing you what you can’t see yourself very quickly!
I am so incredibly grateful for people like you Tizi. Your dedication & passion for raising the vibration. You have personally helped change the course of mine, my husband, & my families life for the better. Thank you deeply for all the love, kindness & guidance you have shown us. Thankful for you Tizi! ♥️


I’ve had the pleasure of working with Tizi, his passion is magnetic and I look forward to reading and listening to him daily. His words and wisdom are deep and powerful, I get something out of his teaching always! I love how he is bringing awareness to the fascinating teachings of Family Constellation.

Tina S.

 My sessions with Tiziano have been a Very deep experience for me.
I have worked with other people who Work with contellations before But Its something different with T. Its Good to come to someone who you deeply feel know their thing. It have helped me in navigating a painfull seperation as well as buinsess and career stuff. Highly recommended.

Fredrik K.

Tiziano is a catalyst healer while graciously educating his audience to understand the processes and impacts involved in Family Constellation. One of the most profound online sessions I had with him was on my father wounds. Little did I know I had been holding on to religion for dear life where tons of anger and judgements were stored towards my dad. Oh bless, how patiently and firm Tizi was to make sure my adament self let go of this long held attachment. Today not only I am thriving in my career, I am consciously mindful of my behavior patterns and attraction towards a masculine in a more secure way without ever feeling needy or out of sync from my authentic self esteem. While I hope to manifest a blissful marriage in my life, by the grace of my parents and ancestors I know this will happen real soon. Nonetheless, always grateful for all the work done with Tizi and I truly wish to see him thrive as an international inspiring FC figure. Much love????✨???? stay awesome Tizi.

Sherveen M.

I have had the pleasure of working with Tizi for over 6 months – as both a client and a learner. I’ve been involved in many constellations both as the recipient, and as a representative, and I have completed multiple weekend long training sessions. Tizi is a true professional, his wealth of knowledge is extensive, and he is always incredibly in touch and connected with what is going on in the room, and in each constellation. I have witnessed and experienced profound ‘aha’ moments through Tizi’s guidance, and even though I now am a trained facilitator, I still refer people to Tizi because of his expertise. I would highly recommend training or attendance at any of Tizi’s events.

Renee K.

Tizi is absolutely incredible. I first heard him speak about healing the mother wound as a guest on another class I was taking, and it opened up a brand new perspective for me I didn’t yet see. It resonated. So I knew I wanted to work with him one on one, and our session helped so much. He took the time to get to know my story, and supported and held space for me to feel everything that needed to come up. Guiding me through the process illuminated exactly what I needed to see and rewire within myself. He answered all my questions as well. I highly recommend him!!!

Scotty B.

When booking in for one of Tizi’s workshops, I knew the experience would be profound. 

I’d learned through a couple of trusted peers about his amazing talents and next level intuition, and was eager to see for myself. My constellation, perfectly timed in the day (and in my life!), was no short of life changing. Like no other constellation I’d experienced before, the ripples of change were powerful and immediate.

Tizi’s non-judgemental style, his openness and guidance (teaching as he goes) and connection to both the modality and his strong internal guidance and intuition, makes him a remarkable and personable therapist for this work.

I’ve since attended some group facilitator coaching with Tizi and have noticed my own practice softening and deepening as a result. 

Thank you Tizi for being you and sharing your gifts with the world

Linda R.

Tiziano’s intuitive work was a very powerful experience.
The way he guided me through the family constellation was absolutely plenty of important informations that I managed to embody and to take charge of my dreams in a clear and strong manner.

His experience and expertise are so valuable and I totally recommend the constellation’s journey to anyone who’s on the spiritual path

Santino S.

I heard about Tiziano from a friend and at that time I was familiar with therapy and inner work in general, but I had never done family constellation before. So I booked my first one to one session without many expectations, mostly out of curiosity.

Tiziano made me feel immediately comfortable, asked me if I had any questions on how family constellation works and he gave me wide explanations. It was very easy to connect and let unfold what my life presented at the time. He has a deep knowledge of the dynamics of the systemic approach of family constellation, he’s extremely receptive and intuitive and he clearly knows when to go deeper and when to stop.

If you find yourself in a repetitive pattern or life dynamics that seems having “no explanations “ I can’t recommend him more. He will unravel a new world to you and most of all, he’ll uplift your life baggage from what’s no longer needed

Valentina C.

Family constellations found me when I was at the lowest possible point in my life . Little did I know that after attending my first constellation workshop with Tiziano , that not only did I start finding myself , it has completely changed my life . I could never really articulate just how powerful each session is , all I can say hand over heart is that Tiziano is a master of his work and anyone who allows themselves to surrender to his process will never ever be disappointed . A gentleman that allows room for vulnerability , emotions and truth with out judgement. I am forever grateful.

Anastasia D.

The most transformative experience I could ever undergo in my life. Systemic therapy enabled me to see my deep love and gratitude towards my parents and anything that life was giving me.
Every family constellation session is like a beautiful movie where the soul is the protagonist, love is the theme and reconciliation is the happy ending.
I’m fully devoted to Tiziano and his amazing work.

Daniel D.

Dear Tiziano 

Below is a testimonial of my experience of my transformative journey with you.   If you need anything further please let me know

I first found Tiziano by chance on instagram in 2022.  Very quickly I knew this was by no chance and he was someone I needed to meet for the next stage of my Growth and Souls Journey.  I became so intrigued by his work and Family Constellation Systemic Therapy.  I reached out to him to discuss if he did any Facilitator training as I knew instinctively, I would learn from him.  At that point in time he was not yet providing this service.  Much to my excitement not long after he contacted me and let me know in November 2022 would be the first 3 day Facilitator training in Bondi Sydney.  Without hesitation I was booked and committed, it wasn’t a matter of if it was “I must”.  I hadn’t yet experienced a constellation so I booed my first online session, words couldn’t describe my first experience and as someone who has committed for the last 15 years to self development this was truly profound.

Novembers training was life changing, and I am happy to say that since working with Tiziano my life has changed significantly in all areas.  My relationship with myself first and foremost, my relationships with my Family and friends.  My finances and my Purpose and career has been effortless.  I can describe it this way, I feel like I have moved into womanhood, radical responsibility and feel like a grown up Mother, as opposed to a girl in ways trying to parent my own children.  I finally Value myself, and My Mother and Father.  In acceptance of the Journey thus far.  I have now completed 2 practitioner trainings in Bondi with Tiziano and remain committed to my own continuous work with him going to  the layers when I come up against am obstacle.  I love that I now hold space for my clients with this modality and also refer many of my clients and family to work with him.  Only recently I also participated in a couples session and after a week of integration I don’t have words to give the justice to how grounded I feel.

Tiziano hold the most beautiful space, to be seen, heard and felt.  He has so much compassion and is truly committed to his purpose and definitely born to bring this work  and service to the world.  I can’t not recommend him enough as a Practitioner, A Teacher/Mentor and Friend

Much Love and Truth


Knowing Tiziano is a blessing. I had the chance to be part of a constellation and it was absolutely mind blowing. He gave me so many inputs to work on that I never thought of before, even after many years of self discovery. Tiziano is so acute in his observations. He is straight to the point, and it’s unbelievable how everything he says makes sense. He is so generous in giving away his knowledge, cause he’s so passionate about what he does and you can perceive it from his absolute presence when he’s helping others.

Rosella F.


Scrivo queste parole per ringraziare personalmente Tizi , perché ho iniziato il mio percorso di riscoperta a inizio 2020 ed è stata una colonna portante per il mio lavoro interiore , sopratutto in relazione alla mia famiglia e alle mie origini , se oggi mi sento meglio è perché ho accettato è riconosciuto che nel mio sangue scorre il sangue dei miei genitori e dei miei avi e sono qua grazie a loro , penso che chiunque voglia riscoprire se stesso e riconoscere il proprio valore debba passare per un lavoro sistemico con Tizi , perché tutto poi scorre molto meglio, lui sa come si fa e lo fa molto bene.
Come detto anche in precedenza , spero che sempre più persone possano entrare in contatto con lui perché ha un dono e c’è un grande valore in quello che fa ❤️

Simone T.

Ciao Tiziano ti scrivo per ringraziarti per tutti i lavori fatti insieme in questi 4 anni. Mi vedo da dentro e sento quanto sono migliorato , mi hai anche accompagnato al mio matrimonio sentendoci anche il giorno primo con tutte le difficoltà che sono successe .
Grazie di tutto un caro abbraccio se sono quello che sono oggi è anche merito tuo.

Antonio A.

A 10 giorni dal lavoro fatto insieme a te, Tiziano, finalmente percepisco il vero equilibrio con la mia famiglia, ho assunto il mio ruolo e tutto è decisamente più semplice con loro..
Sono infinitamente grata della tua saggezza e della tua dolcezza infinita, sicuramente ti ricontatterò più avanti per altri lavori ????

Marilena D.

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